What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Friday, October 19, 2007

Visit Your "Loco" Library

When Frances was little, she was watching PBS and came into my bedroom and asked me, "Mom, what does 'loco' mean?" I replied, "It's Spanish for crazy." Hey eyes got really big and she clapped all excitedly, "Oh, mom, can we go to our loco library?"

I like to say that I have a storage unit full of books -- it's called the public library.

I had a coworker who once said that the most important item in her purse was her library card.

I love the library. It's my favorite "free" thing. Not only can you get books, videos, music, DVDs, and access to FAST computers, but they have so many fun programs. There's family activities (puppet shows, mimes, musical acts), children's classes (who knew kids could be so enthralled learning about Sputnik or the Titanic?), story times (though we miss Mr. Glen and Mr. Nathan), and movies.

The library is our home away from home (and it's a lot cleaner, more organized and quieter!)


dalene said...

If it's loco I would fit right in.

Sadly, I am not what I call a "library mom." I'm good about checking out, but it's the checking back in that gets me every time.


But I always admire those people who manage to do both.

C. Jane Kendrick said...

We have a hard time visiting the library because of the loco. But perhaps this post will change my heart and my heart.

(I have two.)

Welcome to blogging!

Geo said...

Hey, Lois, have you been encoded so you can also use the OPL? Right now they're giving out free copies of My Antonia and devoting an entire month to all sorts of related coolness.

I'd never survive living in a city without a good library.

dalene said...

"My Antonia" is one of my favorites.

Lois said...

CW -- I'm pretty good with the public library, it's the school library where I tend to lose the books (maybe I'm returning them to the public library?).

C JANE -- I was first introduced to blogging through your site, so you've inspired me (or ruined my life, I'm not quite sure which)

GEO -- I'll have to check out the happenings at OPL. We don't go there too often because we never drive farther than we can walk back (I have bad car karma) and we once got kicked out of that library (Frances touched the stage during a puppet show and we got the boot).

Ms. Julie said...

I love the library. It's the whole reason I feel I don't need to buy books.

And I definitely realize how fortunate I am to live in a city where the public library will have religious fiction of the genre I'd choose for myself. My mom, living in California, has to purchase every book she wants to read. I think that's just sad.

Lois said...

Daredevil Mom -- I know this is coming out of left field, but are you related to Keith Clayton by any chance?

marshall p said...

um, hi, it's this girl named Marsha coming on with a comment for you... a comment that is a question... does "Nigel" still want to make a trade? let me know.


Lois said...

DAREDEVIL MOM -- OK, you're not related to Keith. My husband just wanted me to ask (he once had me recite a poem to some stranger because he was just POSITIVE he had written it -- well, guess what, he didn't and he looked at me like I was a complete loon).

MARSHALL P -- I'll ask Nigel.

Geo said...

Is that Marsha as in "I know that Marsha"?

Lois said...

GEO -- I think so. You know, the art crowd here in Parvo is quite small.