What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Homemade Holiday

I was babysitting some children and Frances was talking about what she was going to buy people for Christmas. One of the girls I was tending looked at Frances incredulously and said, "You BUY presents? We always make ours."

Now this is a girl who was raised right.

Since I'm the baby of the family, I was always the one making the crazy home-made gifts that I know everyone hated, but they all kept them just the same.

I remember one year my mother got rid of all our decks of face cards (there must've been something in General Conference about the evil of cards or something). Now, I come from a family that LOVES to play cards. What will we do without cards?

I decided to make my own, but with animals on them so that they wouldn't be "evil." Well, I'm not exactly known for my spelling skills and at the time I didn't quite understand why my brother, Clark, loved playing "Go Fish" with my homemade deck of cards. I can still hear him giggle as he would ask:

"Do you have any Loins?"


Geo said...

I'm sure somebody somewhere used that as an object lesson in Sunday School

Lois said...

GEO -- what, asking for loins?

dalene said...

You always make me laugh.

Lois said...

CW -- glad my lack of spelling skills brightens your day.

Am'n2Deep said...

Am I annoying you yet leaving comments on 'every' post I missed? :) Hope not, 'cause I'm having so much fun!

Lois said...

AMN2DEEP -- the only annoying part is my obsession to respond to all of your comments.