What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Saturday, March 29, 2008

W.O.W. Update

At the end of my "W.O.W. Diet" post I mentioned going off to give blood.

Just so you know, I was turned down for low iron levels.

I do not blame my new pseudo-vegetarian diet because I get turned down all the time.

I am noticing a pattern. Whenever I give blood at the Red Cross office, my iron levels are too low. Whenever I give blood ANYWHERE else, my iron levels are just fine.

Something in the air? Faulty equipment? My nephew, Six, thinks that it's because at these other places they're really using the blood for action movies. So the next time you see some splatter in a Vin Diesel movie, you know who to thank.


debi9kids said...

Kids do say the darndest things! LOL

SC_mommie said...

'Iron Tonic', made from Yellow Dock Root is a natural & SAFE way to quickly boost your iron levels. Let me know, if you're interested & I'll give you the recipe... Our li'lest had severe anemia & we chose to treat her at home, naturally, rather than allow her docs to admit her to the hospital & give her blood transfusions and/or iron infusions in addition to iron drops. Using Yellow Dock is non-toxic, so there's no chance of an overdose AND there's so many other benefits that come from it, too... What's funny about it- in many parts of the world, it's considered a weed & of li'l value... We were able to boost her hemoglobin level from a 4.4 to a 10.4 in 28 days- by feeding her. As for Nigel- min of 3 cloves of raw garlic a day (anti-bacterial/microbial)(you'll want to work up to that amount)& any kind of hot pepper (increases circulation, promotes healing) always helps... Oh, and the antibiotics are gonna mess with the natural balance of good bacteria in his gut, so to avoid any candida issues- he'll want to eat un-pasterized, cultured foods (homemade yogurt made w/raw milk is best, sauerkraut made from organic veg. & sea salt)... Did y'all ever figure out what actually caused the hole in his lung? And why is he still having coughing fits? I haven't called because I didn't want to wear Nigel out & I wasn't sure how much the kids knew or when you would be home... When's a good time? Our prayers are with y'all & I hope all is well!! (or at least getting better!)

The MacMizzles said...

We should sneak in late at night and check and see if their equipment is faulty. I really doubt it's the diet.

Lois said...

BOUFMOM9 -- Yes, they do. Of course, this "kid" is 20 years old and quite the character.

SC MOMMIE -- I'll have to check that out. I come from a long history of anemic women whose bodies can't absorb the iron in those iron pills. Maybe that's the answer. Thanks!!!

Still don't know what caused Nigel's coughing. The test results never came back. Guess I'll have to track them down at the hospital. Oh, what fun that'll be.

McMILLANS -- yeah, I don't mind too much because they still give me free juice and cookies even when I get turned down.

Geo said...

Maybe Red Cross is just uppity.

Lois said...

GEO -- yeah, their standards are much too high, those uppity vampires.