What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Friday, September 26, 2008

Speaking of lawns...

A great book to read if you're interested in lawns is:
"American Green: The Obsessive Quest for the Perfect Lawn"
by Ted Steinberg.
It's kind of the "Fast Food Nation" of lawn care.

I found this book fascinating and I don't even own a lawn! It goes into the history of lawns, the inside scoop on how the lawncare industry works, etc.

Of course, growing up we just had a front dirt. Since our backyard was totally overtaken by my mother's gardening, we could only play in the front yard. Thus, our poor lawn was soon turned into a baseball diamond (complete with dirt area for the pitcher's mound) and a golf course (including empty tuna fish cans sunk into the ground for holes). I'm still surprised that the neighbors didn't run us out of town (or that my mother didn't drown us at birth).

Maybe we were just ahead of our time with showing how ridiculous people can be about their lawns.


rena said...

You have an incredible memory. I forgot all about the tuna cans.

The neighbor adults did hate us but every neighbor kid was over playing with us!

Lois said...

That reminds me of my favorite "Drabble" comic strip where the dad is playing golf in the front yard in full plaid attire.

Neighbor: You cheapen the look of the neighborhood!

Drabble's Dad: Yeah, so does your wife!

Neighbor: What did you say?

Drabble: He said, 'Not on your life.'

Vorquel said...

Makes more sense to utilize the resources at hand than to present it as an end unto itself.

Lois said...

VORQUEL -- yes!!!

Geo said...

Lawn is the new brown.

Lois said...

GEO -- again, you crack me up!