What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Friday, February 27, 2009

Giving Up Lint for Lent

So this year for Lent I decided to give up my lazy ways and finally clean my house. I think I'm going to need a rake and a leaf blower just to find my carpet (not to mention our stupid bunny). So far, I'm not doing too well.

I sat my kids down and had them tell me what they were giving up for Lent. Here's their answers:

Frances -- giving up bubble gum (and she's doing a good job so far).
Jeffrey -- giving up watching TV (he's actually doing it!).
Alice-Grace -- giving up staying up late (she's about as good at that as I am at cleaning my house).

Nigel has decided to give up combing his hair for Lent (this is a long story, don't ask).

Of course, living in a very NON-Catholic area, I'm sure my kids' friends are wondering what the heck Lent is and why they're giving stuff up. I'm all for any religious holiday that makes my life easier. Now, if I can just get them to observe Ramadan this year (no feeding my very picky children during daylight hours? Bring it on!).


Shana said...

Woo, I need to decide what I'm giving up for Lent. I can start now. Good luck with your cleaning!

Anonymous said...

did nigel buzz his head? we saw him and I thought his hat was covering less hair than normal...

Camille said...

I totally miss seeing all the ash marked foreheads on Lent! I'm glad you observe the tradition. I didn't choose anything to give up this year because I'm too focused on running. I probably should give up sugar though... I'm not strong enough yet....

rabidrunner said...

Do you really have a bunny? Or is that a dust bunny that you've named, befriended, brought to the family?

We have lots of dust bunnies. We name 'em, then see how big they can get. We also make bunny dying noises when they finally get vacuumed.

I ejoy lent. My sister teaches at a Catholic school so it's all sorts of tradition for us. Being as virtuous as I am, it's hard to find anything to give up! (grin)

SuziQ said...

I gave up carbonation, and so far so good. I should give up chocolate, too, but if you keep passing it out at work, that would be impossible!

SC_mommie said...

I saw Nigel post on Facebook that he had shaved his head... Pics. please? :oP

SC_mommie said...

Did I tell you that our friend w/a goat dairy farm gave us one of their butchered rabbits? It's still in our freezer... It's not that I'm against cooking/eating it. It's food & it's FREE! I just need to wait until Austin's not milling about to thaw & prepare it, cause don't know how intact it still is and don't want to warp his li'l brain... then again, he may think the whole process is a blast...

Lois said...

SHANA -- I love Lent.

SHILLIGS -- long story.

CAMILLE -- give up sugar? There's heresy!

RABID -- you are too funny. Yes, we have a REAL bunny.

SUZI -- it's all part of my master plan to ruin everyone else's lent.

SC MOMMIE -- I keep threatening to eat our rabbit. I don't think he'll be tasty, though.