What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Do you "Wonder"?

"Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium"

I know it got bad reviews, but I love this movie. We just checked it out from the library and I think I've seen it three times. It just cracks me up and inspires me. My 11-year-old Frances balled her eyes out and cried even more when she found out that the movie isn't based on a real toy store. It's rated G and stars Dustin Hoffman (who is hilarious), Natalie Portman (who actually acts, as opposed to what she does in those horrible "Star Wars" movies), Jason Bateman (loved him in "Arrested Development") and a zebra* named Mortimor.

*According to the "behind the scenes" extras on the DVD, you can't just bring in one zebra to be in a film. You have to have another zebra AND a pony. I think I'm going to bring that up with my boss, "Sorry, if I'm going to work here, I'm going to have to have another woman named Lois AND a pony at my cubicle."


Anonymous said...

Would it be good for 6 year olds?

Nigel said...

I say good for children of all ages!

SC_mommie said...

I absolutely LOVED this movie!! So did both my kids (6 & 1 at the time)!! I want to add this to our small collection of DVDs... VERY well done!!

Lois said...

JHJD -- I must admit my younger kids were a little bored, but my older child LOVED it.

NIGEL -- hopefully.

SC MOMMIE -- I'm so glad you liked it. I don't know why it got such bad reviews.