What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Friday, March 25, 2011

Trilogy is Not For Me

Twenty years ago, I loved book series. I read every "Fletch" book, everything written by Dick Francis, Clive Cussler, Patricia Cornwell, all five books in the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" trilogy, etc. I would find an author I liked and read everything by them, and then go on to the next set.

I still love reading, but I just can't get into series anymore. I have the attention span of a gnat. I get bored reading about the same characters. To be completely honest, I find myself forgetting who the characters are and it's frustrating that I have to keep re-reading the books to remember who everyone is.

I can't even tell you which "Harry Potter" books I've read. They all blend together and as soon as I've finished one, I don't even know what the plot was (then again, I also fall asleep during the movies).

I read "Twilight," but had no interest in reading the other novels. I read "The Hunger Games" and "Catching Fire," but couldn't get past chapter two of "Mockingjay." I read "Uglies" and "Pretties," but couldn't make it through "Specials" (or is it "Extras"?).

I'm noticing a trend. Maybe it's not that I can't stand to read series, but it's that I can't bear to read YOUNG ADULT novel series.

So what am I reading now? Right now on my nightstand are:

"The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak. It seems that everyone is reading this book. I'm only on chapter two, but I have no idea what's going on (this does not bode well for me). I think I may have a hard time getting into this one.

"Mockingbird" by Kathryn Erskine. I'm kind of liking it so far. The main character is a girl with Asperger's, but it seems to be muddled with taking on a school shooting, too. Maybe the author bit off more than she could chew in one small book.

"Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother" by Amy Chua. So far I am loving this book. I can't put it down. It's about an American woman raising her children in the traditional Chinese way. My only question is, how does this work in China? How can EVERY kid be first in their class? How can EVERY kid be two years ahead of their peers in math? Since they can only play the piano or the violin, are Chinese orchestras seriously lacking? Is Yo-Yo Ma a huge failure because he plays the cello?

This is the book I SHOULD be reading, but of course it's the one at the bottom of my pile. March was going to be my "get healthy" month, but so far I'm failing miserably.

What are you reading?


Camille said...

Why do we all read The Book Thief if we have a hard time getting in to it? I remember being glad that I finished it, but resolved not to recommend it.

I'm supposed to be reading The Beekeeper's Apprentice for my book club, but I don't have the book yet.

Other than that I just finished reading about Ammon cutting off all those arms again. Such an intese story!

Vorquel said...

I would like to be reading Children of the Mind by Orson Scott Card, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

Janet said...

I"m so glad you guys said this about The Book Thief. I've checked it out from the library 6 different times and it just sits on the counter. I'm not going to beat myself up about it anymore...I'm NOT READING IT! Ahhhh, so liberating. Thank you Lois! I'm reading The White Queen by Phillipa Gregory. Good, but slow.

Lois said...

CAMILLE -- when do you have time to read?

VORQUEL -- I've never read anything by Orson Scott Card. Let me know which book of his is your favorite.

JANET -- Don't feel bad. I do that all the time. I never did get through "Edgar Sawtelle."