What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Quasimodo's Revenge

If you happened to have been on BYU campus on Friday around noon, you would've heard some strange tunes coming from the carillon (yes, the infamous bell tower).

My nephew, Six, has been taking a carillon class this past semester (because he just has to take every weird class that's offered) and this was his big performance. We all met at the base of the tower (where his mother, Lorna, tried to take a picture of him with her tape recorder -- she gets crazier by the minute).

Those of us who didn't know better followed Six up the 105 steps up to the top (yes, we counted -- and we were very surprised that Jorge with his gimpy leg could make it up all 105!).

Six's first song was very pretty, but sounds vaguely familiar. Babs asks him the title. Six replies, "Tetris Theme A."

What? The theme music to a video game? Six is so weird. How can he possibly top that? Oh, just you wait.

Then he plays a few classical carillon tunes (for those of you who are bell tower groupies) and surprises us with a few modern favorites ("If I Were a Rich Man" from "Fiddler on the Roof" and "Moon River" from "Breakfast at Tiffany's").

Then he says, "This is for my brother, Fred."

And proceeds to play "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath.

Oh, he's going to the Standards Office for that one.

And then just to make sure he gets kicked out of the university, he finishes up with a rousing rendition of "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" by Iron Butterfly.

I'm telling you, I'll never be satisfied with "Come, Come, Ye Saints" again.


Anonymous said...


Melody said...

Wish I had been there . . . never before and probably never again. I wonder if your sister could do a little Iron butterfly for our ward sometime .. .

Anonymous said...

Boy am I sorry I missed that. Six rocks! (And I love the way he calls me "Boss" at church, too.)

The MacMizzles said...

Too bad six didn't throw in any gangster rap, then he would prove to be quite the well rounded ringer!

Lois, you really are a bright spot in my life.

Putz said...

you get funnier every time i read you, i swear...no i better not swear

Putz said...

ad yes ou are a bright spot in my life too

SuziQ said...

Ooh, wish I could have heard that! That's too funny!

Jillybean said...

I would have loved to hear that!

So did he get kicked out?

jensen_fam_redding said...

we love your blogg, please keep cracking us up :)

Geo said...

Black Sabbath? And I missed it?

I'm missing way too many fun events lately!

Lois said...

SHILLIG4FAMILY -- yes, everything he does is a big "wow" (mostly in the context of, "Wow, I can't believe I'm related to this guy").

MELODY -- I've asked her about it, but she's not going for it.

CW -- you are the boss! Move over, Bruce Springsteen.

McMILLANS -- oh, gangster rap! What a great idea! I'll request that next time.

PUTZ -- yes, please no swearing! This is a family blog!

SUZIQ -- yeah, you missed out.

JILL -- no, I don't think anyone really noticed, unfortunately.

DAVID -- thanks for the comments (though I had to delete one because you used my real name -- you know I have to keep my privacy so that my many fans/stalkers don't find me!).

GEO -- oh, you would've loved it!