What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year!

I know, I should be wishing everyone a Happy Valentine's Day, but once you've worked five years in the floral industry, you learn to loathe that hideous heart day.

Please join me on a winding journey of how I plan to celebrate Chinese New Year:

I always joke about how I'm going to be one of those crazy cat ladies when I grow up. You know, those wacky old broads with the ten million cats running around their house. Alas, I can't be one now because a cat would eat our pet rabbit (which is fine with me, but my children wouldn't care for that too much).

So instead of real cats, I figured that I would knit stuffed animal cats.

Then I realized that this year is the year of the tiger. Tiger, that's a cat. What if I made a cat for each week of the Chinese year of the tiger?

Now what am I going to do with 52 cats? I must admit that I don't know. I'm hoping that I'll have some kind of an epiphany and that by the end of the year, I'll know what to do with my cats (hoping to donate them to a worthy cause -- in Chinese astrology, "tigers" are known for their courage, so maybe children that are in need of courage and something to hug).

Anyway, I'll keep you posted on how my cats are doing.


Geo said...

Hey, I want to knit a cat. You got a pattern?

SC_mommie said...

I'd just like to be able to knit... :oP How does any mother manage to do anything for herself when she's got kids???

Lois said...

GEO -- invite me to one of your knitting parties and I'll give you a pattern!

SC MOMMIE -- you wait until your kids grow up and then you knit while you're at endless dentist appointments, orthodontist visits, piano lessons, etc.