What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Sunday, May 2, 2010

"It's May, It's May, the THRIFTY Month of May!"

So we've decided that we're not going to do any grocery shopping in the month of May. Here's our reasons:
  1. We've got a ton of food storage that is coming up on its expiration date and we need to eat it up.
  2. We need to save up money for some trips this summer that we weren't expecting to take.
  3. It's a good way to see what we like in our food storage (and more importantly what we DON'T like) for future food storage purchases.

We will still be getting fresh milk delivered to our house each week (it has to be a REAL emergency for me to drink powdered milk), but otherwise we're going to say adios to our friendly, neighborhood supermarket this month.


Curtis said...

Good luck with that. I have a feeling there might be some entertaining post coming up near the end of May.

Vorquel said...

That's quite the commitment. How long do you expect to hold out?

Anonymous said...

Wow...keep us ePosted on your goal!

Lois said...

CURTIS -- yeah, we'll see how it goes.

VORQUEL -- we'll see how long we can go.

JHJD -- this will be a good experiment.

Geo said...

Have you done any sprouting? Are you at all going crazy for fresh stuff?

The thought of not having to enter a grocery store and shop is so appealing to me.