What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Thursday, January 10, 2008

In the "Doesn't That Defeat the Purpose" Department...

While perusing my grocery store circular, I came across this ad:

"Buy any combination of 12 Stouffer's Lean Cuisine Entrees and receive two 1.75 Quart Dreyer's Ice Cream"

WHAT??? Buy DIET frozen food and get free ICE CREAM??? What kind of diet is that?


dalene said...

This kind of goes with that, but not really:

Yesterday I was walking out the building at work and I noticed that after all that snow all day the sky had cleared and it was beautiful. I said as much to another employee who was walking into the building and she agreed and remarked on how incredibly fresh the air was.

The irony?

She was walking back in from her smoking break.

Rynell said...

So...it you eat diet food, you can afford the ice cream calories?

Hmmm. Hagen Daaz is calling to me.

Carina said...

Simple: something for me, something for my husband. It all works out!

Geo said...

Isn't it ironic, doncha think?

Am'n2Deep said...

It's genius, really! They're banking on the fact that you won't be able to resist the ice cream, therefore you'll be holding onto those extra unwanted pounds, and finding yourself purchasing yet more diet entrees!

Elizabeth-W said...

Rynell and I are twins. I eat low fat/diet all day long so I can enjoy my Ben and Jerry's!

The MacMizzles said...

Lois, I am quite impressed, keep up the good work, and soon, your total grocery bill to feed a small nation will be 39.99. You go girl.

Lois said...

CW -- love your story. Too funny.

RYNELL -- hey, good idea!

AZUCAR -- that's how my husband and I eat pie (he only likes the lemon filling and the crust, I only like the meringue).

GEO -- oh, you're channeling Alanis again!

AMN2DEEP -- your ability to spot the consumer conspiracy is uncanny.

EW -- I must admit that I only go to Ben & Jerry's on free ice-cream cone day. Am I cheap or what?

McMILLANS -- that's my goal!