What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Parable of the Diet

"Shed" -- painted by Nigel

I went from a skinny child to a chubby middle schooler to a fat high schooler to an obese* college student. How could this be? I was eating and exercising the same as my much thinner friends. What was going on?

Then I decided to do an experiment. I was going to study my skinny friends and REALLY see if they were doing anything differently. OK. Thin people do NOT eat at all! We may dish up the same portions, but while I'm eating everything on my plate and licking it clean, they're throwing all of their food away. Even though we may be walking up the same flight of stairs, they're hopping and bounding while I'm crawling.

I decided to act like a thin person. I ate only half of what I wanted and wasted all kinds of energy bouncing around. In about six months I lost 45 pounds and by continuing to pay strict attention to what I do and what I eat, I've been able to keep it off through 17 years of marriage and three children.

Financially, I'm going to do the same experiment. I'm convinced that I'm as frugal as the next person, yet I can't seem to save any money. Am I scrimping as much as I think? Or am I blissfully unaware of my spending and consuming habits?

So 2008 is going to be my year of spending consciously. Just like in my diet where I stop and ask myself "Am I really hungry or am I just bored?" before I eat something, I'm going to stop and ask myself "Do I really need this or am I just bored?" before I buy something.

Let's see if I can find success in this area of my life just by being aware of what I'm doing.

*Please note that Nigel met and fell in love with me when I was at my heaviest. So another reason why he's the coolest guy on the planet.


The MacMizzles said...

I am fascinated. Because when I was a waitress for 7 years I noticed that heavy people are not as particular about what they eat either. They will eat whatever is brought to them. Thin people however make lots of modifiers. I am going to try this new theory you have about weight loss, I have struggled my entire life. However, I am not miserable about it, I resent the billion dollar industry surrounding weight loss.

rabidrunner said...

There must be something in the air... or maybe it's the holiday extravaganza hangover (no matter how hard you try to keep it low key, the world somehow tends to infiltrate.)

Anyway, I had a financial meltdown today. Cried via shake and shiver for a whole hour and decided to sell everything. But then all the pawn shops are closed so I decided to calm down and work. Sigh.

Elizabeth-W said...

2008 is going to be my year, too. I have plans for making more conscious decisions about what is a need vs a want (and all the thinking that goes into those decisions). You've inspired me since I've been reading your blog. :)

Lois said...

McMILLANS -- oh, the billion dollar weight loss industry, what a bunch of whackos. Good luck with my theory (again, it's ONLY a theory, though it has worked for me).

RABIDRUNNER -- I always threaten to toss a match and burn the place down and start over.

ELIZABETH W -- let's hope that we both live up to our resolutions!

JandB said...

i don't remember you ever being the least bit overweight or heavy. i think your crazy!!! eat more meat!

Lois said...

BECKS -- notice that I lost the weight 17 years ago, so you would've been, what, about five years old? So I hope you don't remember! And you need to eat more meat! You've got skinny legs!

b. said...

I totally believe your theory.

After today, I'm not putting another thing in my mouth.

I swear.

But 'cept diet pepsi and chicken broth.

And toast.


Lois said...

B -- and this chair, and this paddle ball, and...

Sorry, started channeling "The Jerk" again.

Am'n2Deep said...

Someone recently told me that before they make a purchase, they rate how much they need/want it on scale from 0-10. It has to be at least an 8 on the scale. Would that work with food too?

Lois said...

AMN2DEEP -- I've also heard that when you're shopping, buy only what you have on your list, put it in your car and if the "extras" you want are worth your going back in the store and buying, then do it (needless to say, my laziness always wins out over needing those extras).