What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Friday, November 23, 2007

Musing on Gratitude

Rabbi Irwin Kula said this on the "Today" show on Thanksgiving Day:

"You can be disappointed with your life and still be grateful."


dalene said...

I absolutely love that quote. Thanks!

Lois said...

CW -- yes, I love that quote, too. Though in the same interview Matt Lauer said one of my least favorite quotes, "I'm not a religious person, but I'm a spiritual person." What does that mean exactly?

Geo said...

Somebody I know from NC used to say about Jesus, "I don't understand him, but he's sweet."

Lois said...

GEO -- oh, I love people from the South! I remember vacationing in SC and this huge family was saying grace at a restaurant and the father said, "And please bless us to keep on keeping on." I've SO wanted to say that in church, but you just can't do that here (that is, until I'm an old lady, and then I can do ANYTHING!).