What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

"Holy War" by Nigel

I'm grateful for the example of my brother, Spence:

In school he had a hard time reading, so he used his own money to pay for a speed reading course so that he could keep up in his classes.

After many years, he finally graduated from college. I've lost count of how many schools he attended and how many credits he finally ended up with (but amazingly enough, still fewer credits than Nigel graduated with), but he didn't give up and got his degree.

Because he loves to fly, he joined the Air Force. After basic training he had to take a physical to get clearance for flying. Well, the geniuses at the medical center gave him the GESTATIONAL diabetes test. It came back positive -- for diabetes, not pregnancy -- so he wasn't allowed to fly. He knew that he didn't have diabetes, and he fought and fought to get a new test and have the results changed. By the time they figured out their mistake, he had his birthday and was now too old for the Air Force and they kicked him out.

Not one to be deterred, he joined the Army and did basic training AGAIN. He had to change from flying planes to flying helicopters, but he now loves flying helicopters and has served in the military for over 20 years.

He also has some funny stories. There was the time he came home from a job interview that he thought went really well and then realized there was a big bird turd on his suit coat (nothing says "hire me" like feces on your clothes).

Our favorite story was when he was bishop of a branch in Korea. His wife bought him a tie at a local market and he wore it to church. One of his counselors came up to him and said, "Why are you wearing that tie? Especially to church?" Spence didn't understand what he was referring to. "Don't you know what those are?" he asked pointing at the tie. Spence looked down and said, "Yeah, colorful ghosts." The counselor chortled, "Those aren't ghosts, those are CONDOMS!"

Please keep Spence in your prayers. Tomorrow he returns to serve another tour in Iraq as a medevac pilot, saving lives and not giving up.


Geo said...

Whose turd was it?

I think Spence is exactly the sort of wonderful guy we all want serving in the way he's choosing to. God bless him, and your whole family!

Lois said...

GEO -- yeah, he's awesome.

Lois said...

GEO -- it took me a few days, but I finally got your comment about "whose turd was it"? Maybe I should've worded that better, though the image of a huge yellow bird from "Sesame Street" taking an aim on my brother is pretty funny.