What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Friday, March 20, 2009

Just Plain Giving Up

So in my last post I talked about giving up my laziness and cleaning my house for Lent. Well, let's just say that it's not going so well.

The other night, Nigel told me that he couldn't find our youngest child, Alice-Grace. We looked all over the house, couldn't find her.

Much to our relief (and my embarassment), we finally found her fast asleep in the middle of the living room floor -- there was so much stuff in there, we couldn't see her!

(Please note: In my defense, I just want to say that I have been busy working on our food storage, so most of our living room is filled with cans of food -- next project: how to make furniture out of #10 cans)


Shana said...

You can't give up! You inspired me to make my own Lent goals, which we (the hubbie and I) are keeping.

Jillybean said...

That happened to us about a week after we moved into our house. We couldn't find our four year old. We looked through the house, checked all the neighbors, drove around the block..............
We thought he wandered off and couldn't find his way back home.
We were about to call the police when we decided to search the house once more. We found him asleep in our bedroom, behind a pile of unpacked moving boxes, covered by a blanket.

Anonymous said...

that would be scary! but good job on the food storage!

Geo said...

Go with the "She's good enough to eat" defense.

Lois said...

SHANA -- good for you.

JILLYBEAN -- usually my kids are hiding when that happens.

SHILLIGS -- I have since made a bed and a coffee table out of our food storage, so no more lost children.

GEO -- she's the one that always tells us we can eat her after she dies!