What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Sunday, June 19, 2011

And the highway patrol said MY car was unsafe...

This is what happens when you drive yourself to the hospital when you're not feeling well. No, I wasn't the driver. That's my bedroom wall that car crashed into. Here are the views of the car, the inside of my bedroom, and some fabulous neighbors (who happen to be general contractors) trying to clear the debris so they can fix the wall.

Someone said to me, "Lois, can you believe that of all the houses, they hit yours?" I replied, "Have you met me? OF COURSE they hit mine!!!"


Shana said...

Wow! I'm glad you're OK (I'm assuming that because you wrote this blog post). At least you weren't sleeping?

Jillybean said...

Apparently, it was your bedroom that was unsafe.

Hoping the driver has insurance.....

Heidi said...

This is crazy. This takes breaking and entering to a whole new level!