We ate the goodies right away and saved the gift card for "WALL-E."
Jeffrey loved the movie (robots, space, trash -- all his favorite things). Frances liked it (bonus -- she actually did NOT throw up while in the theater). Alice-Grace was fine through the opening credits and then the craziness began (that girl can't sit still to save her life). Nigel liked the movie.
I thought it was OK, but just too darn LONG! Is that a bad sign that I can't even sit through a children's movie? I felt like a child again playing "Risk" with my brothers (where I would always be France so that I could get invaded quickly and stop playing that mind-numbing game).
We did have a great time, though, seeing a movie when it first came out in a nice cinema. Thank you, movie pass and candy fairy!
Please note that I haven't posted lately because I've been so busy at work. Here are my favorite closed-captioning mistakes that I've seen lately:
"John McCain" was typed as "John Muck Contain"
Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt's daughter "Zahara" was typed as "The Horror"
sometimes movies are just TOO long!
I want a "fairy" to come visit us! that is awesome! what a great "staycation" present!
glad you are back blogging... we missed you!
That's great you saw a movie when it first came out. We always say we'll wait till it comes to the dollar theater and then we forget to go!
And I love your work stories...
Wall-E totally looks like the robot from "Short Circuit"... minus the cheesy 80's style
Two things we have in common:
1. I HATE Risk. I've played it once and refused to ever play again. B-O-ring!
2. I have a hard time sitting through any movie, which is one reason we don't go to movies. I thing that most directors are egotistical to think that anyone would want to sit through their movie for more than 90 minutes.
I can't sit through movies either. My daughter, Lois II, loves movies and saw WALL-E twice.
SHILLIG4FAM -- yeah, fairies are great.
DALENE -- I do the same thing with waiting for movies at the dollar theater.
PATRICK -- also minus Steve Gutenberg and Ally Sheedy.
SHANA -- Risk haters unite!
RENA -- twice? Really?
We were going to take my daughter to Wall-E this Saturday, but you may have scared me off. She never loves any Pixar movie the first time through in the theater - usually only after I've bought the DVD because I loved it, then she'll get into it. Maybe we'll take her to see Kung Fu Panda again - she's seen it, but we haven't yet. She loved that one.
I've heard boring things about wall e from my intelligent nephew. You remember the one with the huge and perfectly round head? He's five now and he said it was good but was it ever going to end?
I think my favorite part of wall-e was how tuned out everyone was when they didn't have to interact with one another.
SUZIQ -- I loved "The Incredibles" and "Finding Nemo," but I also thought "Cars" was too long and boring. Go figure.
CAMILLE -- I just thought some segments were MUCH too long. My litte boy loved it, though.
McMILLAN -- kind of like me when I'm blogging!
Well, we went and liked it. The four-year-old didn't even seem to get bored, surprisingly! Maybe she snuck a nap, I wasn't paying attention when she was sitting on hubby's lap. :) Didn't really seem like a kids' movie, but like I said, we liked it!
hey lois read barl...you would be proud of MEow putz for a very few blogs and see how we painted rocks, and rockets, and shot them and made a bow out of pine tree limbs
SUZIQ -- I'm glad she liked it. I just thought it was kind of boring in parts (of course, I also can't sit through "Bambi").
PUTZ -- I'll have to check it out.
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