What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Easily Amused

In my humdrum existence, I have to make up games to keep me from going insane.
A favorite is "Beer Bandit." Nigel and I used to play this quite often when we were first married. The rules are simple: whenever you see someone from church (especially someone really pious and devout) in the grocery store, one of you distracts them while the other one fills their shopping cart up with six-packs of beer. Then sit back and watch the hilarity when they are asked for ID at check-out.
Another good one is "Paper or Plastic." Whenever I go to my grocery store, they always ask me "paper or plastic" and I ALWAYS say paper. Without fail, they give me plastic. The amusing part is that the bagger will even have a full on conversation with me about how it's strange that I prefer paper, and the whole time he's putting my food in PLASTIC bags. Now my children wait in eager anticipation to see what kind of bags I bring home and the story that comes with it.
By far, the best game is "Crisco." For some reason, our family doctor is OBSESSED with Crisco. He thinks it can cure anything. Every time we see him he makes a big show of washing his hands before shaking ours and then putting Crisco on them (he has a big lump of it in a bowl by the sink). "Your son has dry skin? Use Crisco." "Chicken pox? Have you tried Crisco?" "Broken arm? Crisco will heal that right up." Now we TRY to get him to say "Crisco" whenever we see him. Sometimes we get desperate, "Doctor, I have a pain on my right side and my pie crusts are not light and fluffy. What should I do?"

I know these are small things, but they keep me smiling and help me get through the day.


Shana said...

The Crisco thing reminds me of Windex in My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

Shana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shana said...

Don't drive yourself crazy with the above deleted comment -- I accidentally posted the same comment twice. (You're probably not obsessive like me, but I hate it when people delete comments from my blog with no explanation. It always makes me want to know what controversial things they were saying).

b. said...

This is so funny! I used Crisco for the first time in a very long time this weekend. I forgot how hard it is to get off your hands. I got it ALL OVER my hands.
My hands haven't been this soft in FOR.EVER!!

I want to go shopping with you and Nigel.

(I was totally going to go anonymous for this, but I can't so....when I was in high school, my friends and I would pick out the pregnant lady with the dozen kids of every age following behind her and stick rubbers in her basket--we were not nice. It was a loooong time ago.)

Vorquel said...

This reminds me of the window-door game. The rules? You say window, someone else says door, and you repeat indefinitely. For added fun, you can point at anything that isn't whatever your saying. It's a great party game, and can be played with little or no equipment!

McKenna said...

PLEASE tell me I'm coming with you on your next shopping trip. I'm ever so sneaky.

Heidi said...

These sound like some good FHE activities. I will have to suggest them.

Lois said...

SHANA -- exactly. I'm the same way with deleted comments.

B -- OK, you are a bad, bad girl.

VORQUEL -- you're very odd.

MAC -- yeah, you just wait until you see what I'm sneaking in YOUR cart.

HEIDI -- yeah, I'm sure these ideas will go over big.

Micah said...

I can't wait to play "Beer Bandit". See you at Macy's.

Lois said...

MICAH -- oh, I'll be there!

Putz said...

always at halloween i find a pumkin with a butt crack..it takes work to find that exact one in the pumkin patch and that faces the stree with coveralls shirt hat on styrafoam for the rest and a six pack of beer in his wheelbarrow on the front lawn....my stake president lives jus across the stree

Geo said...

One of my favorite games is "Love Child." I always know when the moment for gaming has arrived—I will see somebody with a face that strikes me just so and I will announce to Rob the true parents of that person. I am sort of a gene sleuth. Doesn't matter in my game if the parents are both male, or both female, and occasionally there are three parents. Don't think I've ever made it to four, not that I'm trying.

After umpteen years of being subjected to my solo game, Rob has finally started playing a little. I highly recommend it.

Geo said...

But don't get me wrong. If I lived in Cal I would be voting YES on Prop 8.

Hilda said...

Looks like you and "Nigel" are practical jokers. I'll be avoiding you if I see you at Maceys, unless of course you have a big hunk of chocolate in your hand. I'll even look away, so you can sneak it in my cart. :] Just got caught up reading all your posts....you make me laugh...lots of endorphins...I love it!

Lois said...

PUTZ -- you are TOO funny!

GEO -- I want to play too!

HILDA -- I'll be sure to sneak some chocolate into your cart next time I see you at the store!

Tiffany Wacaser said...

Beer bandit? I love it. I think that would be my new game if I lived closer to fellow ward members.

Lois said...

SWEDEMOM -- maybe throw some meat in a vegetarian's cart?