What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Yet Another Reason Why I'm Mad My Kid's Speech Therapist Moved Away

A recent conversation at our house--

Frances: Here's our school's Scholastic book order. There's a book I want about people who have vanished.

Lois: Oh, like Amelia Earhart?

Frances: Yeah, and some author vanished, too.

Alice-Grace: Kids in my class at school have vanished.

Lois: They have?

Alice-Grace: Yeah. Luis, Omar, Maria, Jose...

Lois: Do you mean they're Spanish?

Alice-Grace: Yeah, that's what I said. Vanish.


Geo said...

Please tell me that first comment is not from your former speech therapist.

Lois said...

Well, that first comment must be Alice-Grace talking -- sounds just like her.