What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Monday, May 26, 2008

A duck and a uterus walk into a bar...

The other night I was watching a documentary on the History Channel on comedy. In one segment they were asking people what the first joke they ever heard was.

I think mine was the infamous "What's black and white and red all over?"

It pains me to admit this, but I did not get the "a newspaper" answer until I was like in high school. I got all the other answers just fine -- you know, "an embarassed zebra," "a skunk with a sunburn," "a referee in a blender." But for some reason my brain just could not make that red/read connection.

One of my favorite jokes was one that circulated around my junior high (since I went to school with Jack Black, I'm guessing it started with him -- you be the judge):

Why did the monkey fall out of the tree?
Because it was dead.

Why did the duck fall out of the tree?
Because it was stapled to the monkey.

Nigel and I had Frances submit this riddle for her class joke book. The teacher refused to submit it.

Nigel's artist friend came up with the beginning of a joke, but he can't figure out the rest. It starts out with:

A duck and a uterus walk into a bar...

Any suggestions for a middle and a punchline? And while you're thinking about it, what was the first joke you ever heard?


Shana said...

First joke that I remember being told: Knock-knock. Who's there? Boo. Boo who? Don't cry; it's only me.

First blond joke that I remember being told: Why did the blond get fired from the M&M factory? She threw away all of the candies with W's.

Jillybean said...

That monkey joke was my brother's favorite joke of all time. However, I don't think he knew the second part.
I think the first joke I ever heard was "Knock knock......Orange you glad I didn't say banana"

The MacMizzles said...

Lois- I think the punch line should be: (Drumroll please) A duck and a uterus walk into a bar and the bartender says we don't allow cramping quaks!!! TEE HEE HEE.

The first joke I can remember is: Two gay guys walks into a bar, and the first one says, that's okay, I didn't see it either.

Sorry I have practically fallen off the planet.

Putz said...

from little b, oh crap i have one on the other arm too, i do not go to doc's anymore, they are just practicing medicine..i want someone that has quit practicing

rabidrunner said...

Can you tell me what species the uterus is from? I believe that might be a crucial element.

dishes and laundry said...

Same for me...black and white and red/read all over.

My husband's been telling our boys this joke forever, so hopefully it will be remembered as their first: What did the fish say after it swam into the cement wall? Dam!

Geo said...

Knock knock.

Who's there?

The interrupting cow.

The interrupting c-


Lois said...

SHANA -- great jokes. I remember them well.

JILL -- classic knock-knock joke.

McMILLANS -- too funny.

PUTZ -- that is a good one.

RABIDRUNNER -- what species? Oh, you are really thinking hard on this one.

DISHES & LAUNDRY -- that is a good one!

GEO -- I must admit that's one of my favorites.

b. said...

I love Geo's too......

But I really need closure on the duck and the uterus.