What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Sunday, May 18, 2008

There's going to be some hearing impaired people really confused about the 2008 Democratic Presidential campaign

In my weird job of monitoring the news, I sometimes copy over the closed-captioning to make my typing of the transcripts of TV shows quicker.

Well, I guess the closed-captioning person tried to use some macros (unsuccessfully) because every time it was supposed to read:

Barack Obama

it instead came out:

Backyard Habitat.


Elizabeth-W said...

Now that is funny!
Just the mental image of someone reading that....that 'what the heck?!' face...

Geo said...

So the question is, will this help Obama win the deaf community?

You have the mostest fun with your job.

C. Jane Kendrick said...

Same thing.

Lois said...

ELIZABETH W -- yeah, if I was hard of hearing I would just forget about watching TV. The closed-captioning is horrible!!!

GEO -- vote for backyard habitat!

C JANE -- oh, you are bad; so very, very bad.

SuziQ said...

Hmm...maybe I should start using the closed captioning, if for nothing else than daily laughs!

Lois said...

SUZIQ -- yeah, you're missing out.