What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Vegging Out

On a friend's recommendation, I tried out this produce co-op . It costs $16.50 a basket (plus a one-time $3.00 sign-up charge) and this is what I got:

1 bag cherries
10 bananas
1 bag grapes
1 cantaloupe
11 peaches
17 small plums
4 tomatoes
3 avocados
2 stalks broccoli
1 bag baby carrots
1 large head romaine lettuce
1 small bag green beans

I can't get my kids to stop eating the grapes and cherries (I'm finding cherry pits all over the house). The bananas and avocados still need to ripen, so it'll be a while before we can eat those. The cantaloupe was delicious (we ate it as part of our Father's Day breakfast). The broccoli was great (I used it in our Father's Day chicken divan recipe). The romaine lettuce, baby carrots and tomatoes are good (used in our Father's Day salad). We're looking forward to using the green beans (along with potatoes and onions) in a German recipe that Nigel is famous for.

So here's my predicament: the peaches and plums aren't even close to being ripe (and they don't ripen if you just let them sit out -- they'll get softer, but not sweeter). So I'm going to have to cook them to use them up. I know that I can make a good peach cobbler, but what should I do with the plums? Any ideas?


Vorquel said...

Obviously, you should make dye from the plums. It will be homemade food coloring (cue groaning).


I didn't know that about the fruit sitting out! That co-op sounds AMAZING!

Curtis said...

We love the co-op. I heard that if you place peaches stem side down so they're not touching on a linen towel and then cover them with another linen towel, they will ripen nicely. I'm trying it out and will hopefully make peach ice cream tomorrow.

Lois said...

VORQUEL -- groan.

SHILLIGS -- that's according to some show I was watching on TV, so who knows.

CURTIS -- these peaches are as hard as apples, I think I'm just going to turn them into a cobbler (and then add some ice cream on top!).

Geo said...

Ask your resident German to whip up some plum kuchen.

Geo said...

Oh, and you can ripen peaches and plums in a paper bag.

Rob says: "She can make some plum wine!"

lisa moore said...

I would put some plums in with the peaches for the cobbler! Yum! You could also mash them and make plum jam. OR, you could borrow my dehydrator and dry them. :)

Lois said...

GEO -- all good ideas, but I think I'll go with Lisa's plan.

LISA -- yes, definitely stick them in with the peaches for the cobbler. Less work on my part and less dishes to wash. Win win!

Janet said...

Putting any fruit next to apples or in a paper bag with apples will help them to ripen. Something about a gas that apples give off?

jensen_fam said...

nice find - healthy - I had a recipe but I plum forgot it -