What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow?

So about two weeks ago we got a pet bunny.

Our neighbors thought they had two boy rabbits, until some baby bunnies magically appeared. We agreed to take one of the cute poof balls off their hands.

We got a cage from Freecycle, some food, a litter box, a water bottle, etc. Then we picked up the rabbit -- a cute little black bunny (I can't do the white ones because I think their pink eyes are Satanic -- yes, Stillwell, now you know the REAL reason why your pet bunny died while you were at scout camp. I'm sorry, but it looked like Rosemary's Baby!!!).

All the books said that rabbits are very clean and will only poop in one place, so it's very easy to litter box train them. Just figure out where they like to poop and put the litter box there.

Well, we are going to need a HUGE litter box because this bunny poops EVERYWHERE! He poops in his bed, he poops in his food, he poops all around his water bottle. I even caught him squishing his butt up to the side of the grate so he could launch his poohs out of the cage and onto the carpet!!!

When Nigel was in the hospital with his collapsed lung, I kept bringing up that maybe the coughing fit was caused by an allergic reaction to our new rabbit -- but none of the doctors would go along with my hypothesis.

I'm convinced the animal has brain damage. Nigel says that it's just a rabbit.

I'm sorry, but this is hard for me. Aren't rabbits supposed to be food? It's like having a ham sandwich for a pet.

But the kids love it (and so does Nigel). Maybe it'll grow on me. I do like its big furry feet (I'm sure they'd look great on a key chain).


dalene said...

We just got a replacement rabbit (see blog) and I love it. I don't even mind bunny poop. Poop is good for the garden.

Putz said...

we had a siamese rabbit once, we couldn't eat the meat of our pet, but the fur was the price for the meat preparation


I had a rabit once. I swear those little furr balls could fill an entire yard with poop. They never stop pooping.

Shana said...

It's Shana from book club! I hope it's okay that my name is actually Shana. Your blog is hilarious...You may already know about it, but you can get free samples through http://www.freegrabber.com/. If you put it in a reader (I use Google Reader), then you'll be updated each time there is a new free sample. I get tons of free cereal, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, lotion, and random stuff that way.

Lois said...

CW -- yeah, as we discussed, rabbits are great OUTDOOR pets. Not so much in a small apartment.

PUTZ -- so, was it Siamese like a Siamese cat, or Siamese as in two rabbits stuck together?

XANA-DIVA-DELUX -- finally, someone else with a pooping rabbit! I was beginning to think I was going crazy.

SHANA -- I'll have to check out that Web site. Free stuff, yay!

Jillybean said...

When we were kids, we bought two rabbits from a neighbor. Mom was okay with that, but then we decided that we wanted one more, so we bought another. Mom came home as we were playing with the cute little bunny, and we didn't want her to find out about our new pet, so we hid it.
In the kitchen drawer.
Where she kept the dish towels.

Mom was not a happy camper.

Have you seen the movie "Night of the lepus?" It's about rabbits that somehow mutate into the size of cows and attack people. You should show it to your family.

Jillybean said...

Also, our rabbits pooped a ton!

Lois said...

JILL -- you are too funny! Your mom must've gone ballistic.

That movie sounds frightening. I'm sure it'll give my kids nightmares. Hm, maybe then they'll want to get rid of the bunny? Might be a good idea!

Geo said...

I think your rabbit's motto is Stick it to the Man!

Lois said...

GEO -- I think his motto is "poop it to the man!"