What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Here's your Pulitzer

One of the perks of my job (monitoring broadcast news) is that sometimes we get a direct feed from the network and we can see what goes on before the program starts, during the commercials, while they're breaking away for the weather report, etc. It's quite humorous at times.

One day, I got to see the brand new anchor just minutes away from air time quickly turn away and hurl into a trash can. I don't know if she was nervous or pregnant or sick. But like a trooper, they just redid her makeup and she went on with the show.

I also get to hear them go over their scripts, which elicited this fabulous tidbit this morning:

"Oh, it's Charlton Heston? I always thought his name was CHARLESTON Heston."

One program was heavily hyping the reunion of a popular band that would soon perform on the show. The co-host blurted out, "Ooh, maybe it's The Beatles!"

Yeah, the zombie version of The Beatles, I guess.

My favorite was when the anchorwoman was reporting on a new medical study and she said "Anals" of Neurology instead of Annals of Neurology. During the commercial break she had to redo it for the West Coast feed (alas, the poor West Coast never gets anything live). She must have repeated that newscast about 20 times before she got it right because the co-hosts kept making her laugh.

Anals of Neurology, is that when you've got your head up your butt?


dalene said...

You are sooooooo funny! You really need to compile these little shorts into a book. I would buy it in a heartbeat. You keep me rolling on the floor.

"The co-host blurted out, "Ooh, maybe it's The Beatles!""

Was she blonde?

Lois said...

No, not blond. She is the one that we ALWAYS complain about, though. Still don't know how she got her job (must have incriminating photos of the network president or something).

Shana said...

I love the news! One of my favorite clips before a newscast started was of President Bush flipping off the camera. I love seeing the real in people...you're so funny! Even your comments on my blog make me laugh. I'm jealous of your hilarity.

Lois said...

SHANA -- yes, and I'm jealous of your rip stick skills!

SuziQ said...

Oh, so sad I missed the Beatles comment! AC is the most air-headed nonblonde ever, I think! I can so picture her saying something that stupid!

Putz said...

do you know we are all funny, my dying dad who had a massive heart attack is still making jokes as he is passing away see putz

Lois said...

SUZIQ -- and she was so smart when playing "Cash Cab"! I think she just blurts stuff out before thinking.

PUTZ -- I'll have to check that out. Humor is a great thing. Could you imagine a world without it?

Lois said...

PUTZ -- I just read your tribute to your father. Beautiful. Thank you.