What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Friday, July 20, 2012

Free Swim Parties

Thursday night our orthodontist threw a free swim party for his patients at the local water park. I made sure to tell the kids to eat a big dinner before we went because I wasn't bringing my wallet. It was great. Everyone had fun and no one begged me to buy them Dipping Dots.

Then on Friday night we had another free swim party at a local pool. Again, I didn't bring my wallet. We just had a good time and didn't spend any money. Hooray!

Usually when we go to these "free" pool parties, I end up spending a ton of money on food and treats and souvenirs thinking my kids and their friends (we usually bring a few friends to hang around with since my children can't seem to get along with each other) would think me a bad host if I didn't. Well, turns out they were just as happy without any of that stuff. Lesson learned.

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