What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Friday, July 13, 2012

Lumpy What?

So yesterday we did good and didn't spend any money. The only problem is that now Nigel is obsessed with making pasta. I think I see a lot of linguine in my future.

Our dentist is throwing a swim party tonight. Free food and pool? We're in. (Of course, with all the money I've given him through the years, I think that I deserve a four course dinner complete with steak AND lobster.)

We got some yummy burgers, chips and watermelon, but then it started to rain and the wind was whipping up pretty fierce, so we decided to skip out on the pool. We did think that it was a little odd that our dentist was offering a lot of free cotton candy to all the kids (job security, maybe?).

When we got home, Alice-Grace was determined to make Lumpy Dick. In summer school she's been learning about pioneers and I guess one of the dishes they used to make was a milk-flour mixture known as Lumpy Dick (which is strange because I always thought that combo was called "glue"). So she goes on the computer and starts googling "Lumpy Dick."

Whoa there, little Missy. I'm not about to let my nine-year-old daughter look those words up on the Internet. There was actually a recipe for it and we made it this evening. She thought it was delicious (with lots of sugar on it), I think it tastes like something only a person who just walked across the plains would love.

Oh, I did give out 25 cents being the Tooth Fairy today. Does that count as spending money?


Vorquel said...

Ah yes, the wonders of suddenly lost innocence on the internet.

Lois said...

Vorquel -- yes, let's try to avoid that for as long as possible.

Leslie Jam said...

That's funny Rachel my ancestors mention the delightful concoction in their journals. I will take you making it as my tribute to them.

renalap said...

Your post reminds me of the movie "Matilda" when she reads Moby Dick. "Moby WHAT" says her dad. My favorite scene. hahaha!