What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Family Camp Day Six: Science Day

I thought I'd start off our sixth day of "family camp" with a homemade breakfast. Well, I guess it's been a while since I've used my antique Manning Bowman waffle iron because when I turned it on, billows of smoke filled our kitchen. Instead of waking the kids up with the delicious aroma of waffles, I woke them up with the smoke alarm going off!

Well, it is science day, after all. I was glad to see that they all promptly got up and started crawling towards the front door to get outside (those fire drills must be working).

After breakfast (the waffles were yummy, by the way), we headed out to the local University campus to check out their science building. There were lots of hands-on exhibits and we all had a great time. We'll have to come back when the Planetarium is open.

Then we went to another science building to check out the fish tanks. Jeffrey was enamored with the lobster and Alice-Grace couldn't get enough of the sucker fish.

We had a nice picnic lunch on campus (where we accidentally threw away Alice-Grace's bracelets that she was keeping in her lunch sack for "safe keeping").

Then it was off to the college library. We saw an exhibit by one of our friends (if you want to be a great artist, be our neighbor -- so far in our travels we have been to museums where THREE of our past next door neighbors' artwork has been on display) and we loved checking out the huge globe. "Hey, look, it's Sri Lanka!"

(photo of us pointing to big globe coming soon)

Then we headed to the art museum (art can be a science, right?). This is where Alice-Grace remembered her lost bracelets. This induced much crying, which caused the security guards to circle around us giving us the stink-eye. I took Alice-Grace back to our lunch spot and after much trash digging, we found her bag with the treasured bracelets still inside (please note that her "bracelets" are actually hair rubber bands). We went back to the art museum and then, exhausted, headed home.

Back at home we did some science experiments on surface tension (you know, sprinkle pepper on water and then add a drop of dish soap to see them disperse) and then we brought out the Diet Coke and Mentos. We had never done this before, so it was totally exciting. It was especially fun because cousin Fred gave us a special rocket launcher just for this reason.

(photos of Diet Coke shooting into the air coming soon)

That night, we went to a local park to FINALLY do our campfire (you know, what we tried to do on day one of family camp but the weather was nasty). Nigel taught us how to build a proper fire and we roasted marshmallows. The kids loved it.

(photo of kids roasting marshmallows coming soon)

Then we did Alka-Seltzer rockets (put an Alka-Seltzer tablet and some vinegar in an empty film canister, put the lid on and watch it shoot into the air) until our container flew on top of the pavilion roof and did not roll off.

Luckily there was lots to do at the park. Frances loved playing "Robinson Crusoe" under a big pine tree. We then played at the playground and in the sand volleyball court before heading home.

Another great day of family camp! One more to go!


GrittyPretty said...

Your family camp is brilliant! This is so much better than...anything else!

Geo said...

Next year you should run a special summer camp for the bloggerette set. You see how fascinated we all are!

Anonymous said...

so cool!
and you are such a good mom! trash digging for hair ties? once again... a better mom than me w/more patience...

Anonymous said...

like geo said
we too would come to your camP! what do you charge?

sue-donym said...

I sooo want to come to your family camp. I will NEVER let my daughter see this blog. I will be voted off the island for sure.

dalene said...

This is what my family does for Science Day: Any time we stay anywhere with cable we make it a Mythbusters Marathon.

We're kind of pathetic that way--we have, essentially done the coke and mentos thing only vicariously, but it sounds way cool!

And I would totally come to your science camp.

Hilda said...

Love your blog...so creative and funny! What a great Mom, making such fun memories for your kids.

Hildy :)

Putz said...

i am actually getting a little tired of you, lois, no i guess the thing might be the ugly head of jealousy...i am not going to praise you today, my last five comments did that...only one more success story to go

Lois said...

GRITTY PRETTY -- glad I'm putting those day camp counselor skills I learned back in high school to work.

GEO -- hey, you can be in charge of crafts! You know I don't do crafts.

SHILLIG4FAM -- patient or a push-over? Not quite sure where the line is there.

Oh, you would be the counselor in charge of fabulous hair styles! You're always so cute.

SUE-DONYM -- can your kids vote you off the island? I think I would've been voted off long ago (maybe I should strike up an alliance with Nigel).

CW -- I love, love, love, love "Mythbusters"! I also love "Dirty Jobs." Be sure to see that next time you're in a hotel room with cable.

This was our first time doing the Coke and Mentos thing. I heard a lady in the store saying that her family does it instead of fireworks for the 4th of July.

HILDA -- let's hope they remember this stuff and not all my yelling, throwing away their toys and forgetting to feed them.

PUTZ -- you crack me up! Thanks for all your great comments.

debi9kids said...

I think these are all such fabulous things you are doing as a family!
Such great ideas!!!