What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Monday, January 28, 2008

O Coupon, Where Art Thou?

My search for good coupons continues:

The ones I get free in the mail are usually for products I don't buy.

I did a free two week subscription to the local paper, but my two weeks are up and I wasn't impressed enough with the coupons or the paper to actually pay for it.

My computer is so slow (and ink and paper are so expensive) that I dread printing off Internet coupons (besides, my favorite and least expensive grocery store won't accept them).

For a few weeks I bought the "bundle deal" at 7-11 (two different Sunday newspapers for only $2.00, so double the coupons), but the coupons are still not worth breaking the Sabbath for.

I'm trying to avoid paying for coupons with a clipping business and I hate all the coupons for stuff I normally wouldn't buy, so I'm trying something new.

I'm going to put my money (or lack thereof) where my mouth is. Remember how I wrote about contacting a company whose product I liked and they sent me free coupons? My new plan is to go through my pantry/fridge/cleaning supplies and e-mail all the companies that I like and hopefully get some free coupons from them. I'll keep you posted on how it goes!


Am'n2Deep said...

I hear ya sister. When I delivered papers, I always nabbed up all the extra Sunday papers. But having a paper route just to get coupons? NOT WORTH IT!! But I think your plan of writing companies is a fabulous idea.

C. Jane Kendrick said...

I know what you mean about getting tons of coupons for products you'd never use.

Let me know how your new scheme works out.

The MacMizzles said...


Lois said...

AMN2DEEP -- yeah, I tried to convince Nigel to get a job delivering newspapers so I could get the extra Sunday papers, but he wasn't going for it (been there, done that, hated it).

CJANE -- yeah, all the coupons are for hair dye, dog food and spam. What??? Where's the coupons for Pringles, ice-cream and milk?

McMILLANS -- well, we'll see how brilliant. So far I've written to five different companies. I'll write a post if I hear anything.

Rynell said...

Great plan---let us know if it works.

I also get coupons for stuff I don't use. Mostly, I just check the sales ads (the free ones in store or in the mailbox) to see when stuff I use is really discounted. I try to stock up on non-perishables when they are on sale.

Lois said...

RYNELL -- yeah, it's been very interesting seeing the responses from the various companies so far.

I try to stock up on nonperishables, too. Speaking of perishables, did you know that toothpaste has an expiration date?

Geo said...

Twinkies first.