What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Friday, January 25, 2008

Tagging Along

I've been tagged. Again. I guess I'll do this one (I wimped out on the other one because there was no way I could compete with GEO's and Compulsive Writer's great lists of imaginary college courses to take -- besides I still hate school, even pretend school -- and GEO, why do I always write your name in all caps?). Here goes:

5 things I Was Doing 10 Years Ago:

1. Making Nigel get me club sandwiches at all hours of the night while I was pregnant with Frances
2. Giving birth to my first little baby, Frances (who did not want to be born and it took the doctor yanking with forceps and a nurse on top of me pushing on my belly to get her out -- I hope she's not the same way when it's time to go to college)
3. NOT working (I took a whole year off after Frances was born -- my best year ever and I have video proof that my house was clean)
4. Breaking my back getting Frances in and out of her car seat in our little Toyota Tercel (which I still miss, but have you ever tried to fit THREE car seats in a hatchback? Can't be done)
5. Living with Rena and her family for a month and trying not to boil to death or be stung by scorpions, but it was worth it to see Maureen's "happy dance"

5 Things On My To-Do List Today:

1. Clean/straighten the house (OK, that's on my list EVERY day and I have yet to do it)
2. Go to work and NOT work more than eight hours (didn't do it)
3. Take Frances to piano lessons (did it -- how could we miss a lesson with the adorable Babs?)
4. Balance my check book (did it)
5. Write a post for my blog (doing it now)

Snacks I Enjoy:

1. Cherry Blow-Pops
2. Pringles (I like to stick them to my lips and pretend I'm a duck)
3. Cheetos (but I don't like the orange fingers)
4. Cherry Slurpees
5. Flea's rum nougat candies

Things I Would Do if I Were a Billionaire*:

1. Pay a ton of taxes
2. Buy a house with an art studio for Nigel and a garden with fruit trees for me and lots of land for chickens and goats
3. Travel and visit family
4. NOT WORK!!!
5. Share

*Note -- isn't it funny that now we have to say "billionaire" instead of "millionaire"?

3 Bad habits:

1. Speaking before thinking
2. Biting my nails (yes, even the hypnotism didn't work after a while)
3. Not finishing what I sta...

5 Places I've lived:**

1. Clover City, CA
2. Parvo, Deseret

**Note -- yes, I'm pathetic. I've only lived two places my entire life.

5 Jobs I've Had:

1. Clerk in charge of the freezer full of dead dogs at a veterinary hospital
2. Sales girl at a floral shop (which was hard for me because I don't like cut flowers -- I didn't even have any at my own wedding)
3. Waitress (at a tiny cafe in a small town where they once raffled off a mule)
4. Typer of library cards to computer databases -- did I mention the cards were all in CZECH?!?
5. Transcriber of TV news programs and interviews for a certain CNBC financial reporter

5 Things People Probably Don't Know About Me:

1. I'm in an ad for Polaroid cameras in the October 21, 1974 issue of Newsweek (pages 54 and 55)
2. I detest cheesecake
3. I'm scared of horses
4. I was president of my high school's Chinese Club
5. I used to work as a nude model for artists (one of the many reasons why I can't run for public office)

There. I did it. And just like when I was a young girl playing the real game, I'm not going to tag anyone.


b. said...


This was really fun to read!

dalene said...

GEO is worth of all caps.

And I can just see you with a Pringle duck-bill.

The MacMizzles said...

You become more fascinating to me by the second...a nude model. Wow, I could only dream of being naked around anyone, especially in broad day light!

Am'n2Deep said...

What do you mean you can't compete?! That was totally fun to read!

Mmmm. I love cherry flavor, and cheetos. I'd snack with you anytime.

And how many people who live in Parvo, Deseret can claim they've worked as a nude model for artists?

JandB said...

wow lois! i've known you my whole life and i was completely surprised about a lot of your list. i didn't know you wanted to have goats and chickens! i would have thought that you would just want to plant corn on the roof or figure out how to keep the cantelope from rolling off the roof. also, at what age did you pose necked? as your childs piano teacher i think it is important for me to know the answer to that question. ; )

Lois said...

B -- yes, I'm fantastic! Glad it was fun to read. It was fun to write.

CW -- yes, GEO is a capital woman.

I shouldn't have written that about the Pringles because I've been craving them every since.

McMILLANS -- yeah, I was a nude model right after I lost a bunch of weight. The first time I posed, it was a totally positive experience and the drawings of me were INCREDIBLE! The second time, the drawings were HORRIBLE and the artists complained that I was too fat. I've never posed (nude) since.

AMN2DEEP -- yes, I love cherry (especially the bright red really artificial cherry flavor).

Yes, I think nude models are few and far between in this town.

BECKS -- yes, my girls are obsessed with goats. They LOVE them. I just like to chase chickens around (since they can't fly).

What age? Yesterday, of course! No, in my early 20s I saw an ad for a nude artist's model at BYU (though I had to pose off campus) and I thought to myself, "Who would ever do that? Could I do that? Would I be brave enough to do that?' I mostly did it just to see if I could.

Geo said...

Maybe you feel the need to shout at me. Go ahead, Lois, I can take it.

Or maybe GEO is some kind of of acronym for what you REALLY think of me. C'mon, 'fess up. I think I can take it.

Hey, wait a minute. Didn't that guy at Tarasca's bring you birthday cheesecake? How did you manage that one with a smile? I think you need another birthday treat to make up for that one. I wouldn't have guessed.

The modelling sessions -- do they have anything to do with why you are now married to an artist? Nigel? Did you draw Lois NYEWD?

Rynell said...

What a fun read! You are fascinating indeed--CZECH library cards, nude modeling, tasty snacking and all of it....

Lois said...

GEO -- yes, it stands for: Gorgonzola Eaters Organization, of which you're a proud member (I'm sure).

Speaking of cheese, I always think that this time I'll like the cheesecake, but I never do. Did you notice I was passing it around for everyone to share quite liberally?

RYNELL -- glad it was fun.

L I S A said...

Wow, I'm glad I tagged you. I had some interesting visuals of you in my mind when I was reading through this. Gotta make sure Mike reads it.

Quack quack, you naked jaybird :-)

Lois said...

LISA -- hm, do the Pringle duck bill while posing nude, might start a new trend. I'm sure that Mike will not be too surprised by any of it. But please, don't visualize too much!