What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thursday Thopping

No good sales to talk about today (drat!).

Do you ever go grocery shopping and notice that can of olives in with the diapers or the loaf of bread mixed in with the shampoo? It's me.

I'm notorious for filling my cart full of stuff, then getting buyer's remorse and randomly putting items back on shelves (in the wrong spots) before I get in the check-out lane.

Not too nice of me, but I'm giving a whole fleet of clerks job security.

I could have worse habits. I once saw a lady systematically pick up a jar of pickles, LICK IT, put it back, pick up the next jar of pickles, LICK IT, put it back, etc. What the???


Am'n2Deep said...

She didn't lick it...please tell me she did NOT lick it!

b. said...

what the ???? Fer shur!!!

I would seriously like to know what that is about....

I will prolly lay awake wondering....

Am'n2Deep said...

Me again...I'm with b...still trying to figure out why!

Lois said...

AMN2DEEP & B -- yes! It was totally gross! I even had to grab the lady next to me (a complete stranger) and have her watch so that I knew that I wasn't imagining things. It was too nasty. It was almost as scary as the woman on the bus spraying Lysol into a cup and then drinking it.

Rynell said...

That bottle licker is nutso.

I, too, get buyers' remorse and ditch stuff in unsuspecting places.

Lois said...

RYNELL -- oh good. It's not just me (though I must say that I never do that with perishable items).

Geo said...


That's biological warfare.