What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I'll admit I'm frugal, but this is getting ridiculous!

Yesterday in the mail I got a notice that it's time to renew my driver's license. No doing it by mail this time, I have to go in, get my eyes checked and get a new photo.

I did NOT make the same mistake I made last time.

It was 10 years ago, I was standing in line getting ready to get my picture taken and I look down at my old driver's license...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! I was wearing the EXACT same turtleneck and shirt I was wearing in my OLD driver's license photo!

Everyone knows that I try my best to be frugal, but wearing the same outfit 10 years later? That's ridiculous even for me.

So today, I made sure to wear a different shirt. I also did my hair and even put on makeup (which is totally ridiculous because now I won't look anything like my picture when I get stopped by the cops -- I should've renewed my license with my hair uncombed, ruddy complexion, blouse buttoned wrong and drunk*).

*Note to my mother: I'm just kidding, I'm not a drunk. Oh, and are you proud of me that I got the notice for renewal yesterday and I went in and did it today? Bad dresser, yes. Procrastinator, no way.


Camille said...

That is awesome.

Lois said...

CAMILLE -- it would've been more awesome if I did it on purpose.

Anonymous said...

mine is up in nov and I need to do it via mail w/TX so it should be interesting... good job on not procrastinating... I am still procrastinating mine

dalene said...

I'm proud of you.

Geo said...

Hey, it's called signature style.

Lois said...

SHILLING4FAM -- good luck!

DALENE -- proud of me that I don't procrastinate or proud that I wear the exact same outfit 10 years later?

GEO -- that's it, my signature look! I'm going with that one.

SuziQ said...

Hey, if you'd worn the same outfit for a third time, maybe it would help the cops ID you. "Yeah, the face and hair look different, but I'd recognize this turtleneck anywhere." :)

Lois said...

SUZIQ -- you are too funny.

Anonymous said...

Lois -- you deserve the "upgrade!" PS -- Love the "notes to mother!!!"

Lois said...

JHJD -- yes, got to have the "notes to mother" in there. Oh glug!