What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Saturday, September 20, 2008

You can bank on it

The story is told that on the day of my great aunt Nelly's funeral it was overheard that some people were wondering why the bank was closed. A person answered their inquiry with "Don't you know? Miss Nelly has passed away. They have closed it in her honor." "Yes," the others replied. "She must have been a big shareholder of the bank."

It was really Washington's birthday.

When I was a young college student, I had gone to a different state for the summer to work. I diligently mailed all my paychecks to my bank. What I didn't know is that this was the time of the Savings & Loan debacle and my bank had gone under.

Luckily, a larger bank had bought out my smaller one, taken over all the accounts and I didn't lose a penny.

I'm hoping this is what's going to happen now with all these businesses and banks failing.

Maybe all the financial wizards and political pundits are going on and on about various dooms day scenarios when in actuality, it's just Washington's birthday.


dalene said...

Yeah only here's the thing, that large "bank" taking over all the failing ones is you and me taxpayer. We're paying for all those risky mortgages that failed and all those bad loans, to the tune of over half a trillion dollars.

I'm so made I could spit! Or move out of the country. (But I'm not bitter...oh wait a minute, I am!)

dalene said...

Obviously I'm so mad I can't spell, either.

Lois said...

DALENE -- no, no, no. You're trying to pull me out of my blissfully ignorant state of denial. Everything is rosy and beautiful and fairies will come and do my laundry. Don't ruin this for me!!!

By the way, your photo is positively GORGEOUS! Love it!

Vorquel said...

How's my photo?

Lois said...

VORQUEL -- your photo is the BEST! I love it! Is that really your crazy cat? Too funny.

SuziQ said...

Yes, and we will bail them out...and the CEOs of the failing companies will still get their $100 million severance packages. Because, you know, they work REAL hard and really earned all that money. The lowly workers who had lots of their money vested in the company, well, they just should have worked harder. Let this be a lesson to them as they go out on the job hunt.

Lois said...

SUZIQ -- how do I get one of those "golden parachute" severance packages? Is there a form I need to fill out?