What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Sunday, September 28, 2008

What? What???

As reported by Scott Pelley on "60 Minutes" (speaking to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson):

'In e-mails uncovered by federal investigators, analysts for the credit rating agencies on Wall Street wrote this about these lousy investments. One of the e-mails said, quote, "It could be structured by cows and we would still rate it." And this one, this is my personal favorite. One Wall Street analyst to another wrote, quote, "Let's hope we are all wealthy and retired by the time that this house of cards falters." They were writing these e-mails nearly two years ago. Why are we bailing these people out?'


Vorquel said...

That's just nuts! Wait... I wasn't paying attention to the year before last. Can you repeat it for me?

Nigel said...

________(Insert incredibly obscene expletive here.)

Vorquel said...

Watch your underscores; children read this!

dalene said...

Careful Lois. If you become too much more informed about this you're going to be joining me over here on the dark side where cynicism prevails.


My personal favorite? Is the fact that they cannot prove WHERE all of the debt comes from.

Lois said...

VORQUEL -- you're not supposed to be paying attention. Study those books! Study those books!

NIGEL -- do I have to put an R rating on my blog now?

DALENE -- I can't hear you, those darn unicorns are so loud!

XANA -- debt? What debt?