What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Saturday, February 16, 2008


I love my friends. I still keep in touch with most of my friends from high school. Of course, they're so awesome that my mother, Dot, would write about THEM in her Christmas newsletters instead of writing about ME.

I think that's why I had such a hard time in college. I went from having this huge group of wonderful friends (loyal, accepting, hard working, friendly, fun, smart, and best of all they always made me want to be a better person) to no friends at all. I had roommates (TONS of roommates) that I would hang around with, but not anyone that was a close friend. In fact, I don't keep in touch with any of my college acquaintances.

I didn't realize how much I depended on my friends until they weren't there. My high school friends made my school schedules for me, made sure I signed up for AP classes, got me to study, encouraged me to participate in school clubs and sports, etc. I wouldn't have survived without them.

Maybe that's why I eventually failed out of college. I didn't have that support group pushing me.

After I got married, I got to know Nigel's college friends. He has wonderful friends. In fact, I'm still close friends with the wives of his college friends. One more reason why I love Nigel -- his friends.

I googled one of my high school friends I had lost touch with and we began e-mailing each other. She gave me the best compliment. She said that I was "easy to be around."

I love that.


Am'n2Deep said...

Again, I feel the same. I still get together once a month with my high school friends.

Geo said...

You are easy to be around. And that really is a beautiful thing to be able to say!

Lois said...

AMN2DEEP -- that's so awesome that you still meet up with your old high school friends once a month. How fun.

GEO -- you are definitely easy to be around (and since my mother loves your comments more than my blog posts, you're just right up there with my high school friends!).

MKV said...

Now...how many of your HS buddies read this and respond? I am!

Lois said...

MKV -- you're the only high school friend that actually leaves comments. That's because you're awesome.