What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Monday, February 18, 2008

Want to see it breathe fire?

I love origami. Currently my children think that I'm the coolest mom ever because in church I make them those little blow-up paper balloon things. They are mesmerized while I make my folds and then their eyes get bigger and bigger as I blow up the paper to make a hollow cube. Magic.

When I was younger, I used to make origami lizards. No swans for this girl. Now I can't remember how to do it for the life of me.

Whenever I see origami, I think of my friend, Tu. Being of Chinese descent, people would automatically think that he could do origami. He would sit down and carefully make a series of folds and then crumple the paper into a mess and say, "Look, a dragon!" He then would pull out a lighter and say, "Want to see it breathe fire?" and then precede to light the paper on fire.



Am'n2Deep said...

I used to love to make those little paper frogs--the ones when you pushed down on their back and let go, they would hop!

And I love the story about Tu. :)

Lois said...

AMN2DEEP -- I never did know how to make those frogs. I need to get a book on origami!

debi9kids said...

Lois, I bought my son a book on oragami at Michaels craft store. It was only maybe $8 and he makes the most fantastic creatures...

Rynell said...

I have got to learn origami. That's a great way to keep kids quietly entertained.

Geo said...

WE've got a chubby new Beehive who loves origami coming up into YW this year. She'll be going to camp with us, and her big sister's NOT happy about it. I have a feeling it's time for me to brush up on my paper-folding and get ready to befriend the friendless.

I love the story about Tu.

Lois said...

BOUFMOM9 -- what a good idea! Keeps them occupied and works on those small motor skills. I'll have to find a book.

RYNELL -- yes, always a good thing.

GEO -- good luck with that cute little Beehive! You're awesome.