What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Friday, December 21, 2007

And the Band Played On

I was in my high school's marching band -- I played the oboe. I know what you're thinking. There's no oboe in a marching band! Well, my high school was very limited in its extracurricular activities, so there was no orchestra. Hence, the world's only marching oboist.

At Christmas our marching band would play in the annual Boat Parade. We would all get on a boat that was decorated with tons of lights and sail around the marina playing Christmas tunes.

Well, one year Ernie the trombone player was a little too close to the side of the boat and a little too enthusiastic playing "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" and dropped his slide right into the Pacific Ocean. Now THAT was a memorable Christmas!


GrittyPretty said...

ha! poor ernie!...and did the band play on?

Geo said...

Did he dive in after it? Oh, the dumb drama! I bet his parents gave him grief.

Lois said...

GRITTY PRETTY -- yes, the band played on.

GEO -- no diving in. It was night and he was wearing his uniform. I'm sure his parents DID give him grief, but now he has a great story to tell!

Am'n2Deep said...

Now that's funny. The parents didn't dive in? 'Cause I think I would have!

Lois said...

AMN2DEEP -- I think I would've too. Too funny.