What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Christmas Movie: Take Two

When I look back on the old Christmas movies that my family did every year, I notice a pattern.

Besides filming us hanging up our stockings, my dad also filmed us on Christmas day getting our filled stockings and opening our presents. When we were really little, you could see my brother, J.D., secretly stealing candy from the other kids' stockings. As the years went by and we all got older, one thing would not change. EVERY film showed J.D. stealing candy from people's stockings! He'd be in his 30s and still stealing candy!

I shouldn't be surprised. This was the same brother who would steal food off my plate during the prayer at dinner and he would hold a fork to my side to keep me quiet while he did it.

But no one could ever hate him. No matter how mean he was to us (including cutting off Rena's hair with a pair of toenail clippers), we still loved and adored him.

Though I should warn his wife and son to hide their candy this Christmas.


Carina said...

I am a little scared of J.D. and his candy stealing.

Geo said...

Maybe Santa should try slipping some jalapeƱo truffles into his wife's stocking, so maybe J.D. will learn his lesson.

Lois said...

AZUCAR -- be afraid, be very afraid.

GEO -- good idea!

Am'n2Deep said...

A tradition. A legacy. Maybe his own son will pass it down.

Lois said...

AMN2DEEP -- I hope his son passes it up and steals all HIS candy!