What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Last night the doorbell rang at midnight. We were Secret Santa'd AGAIN! We had so many presents, it was amazing. Here I was talking about my kids getting overwhelmed with just three presents, now they each had about 10! I told the kids that Santa had to leave the presents on the porch because our fireplace was blocked by one of my nativity sets (I collect them).

My kids woke me up at 4:30 AM to open presents. I got them to wait until 5:30 AM. I then let them just look into their stockings until about 6:45 AM when Nigel got up.

We then had a great time opening presents. Frances opened all of hers first. Alice-Grace unwrapped some of hers, but didn't open all of the packages until later. Jeffrey, on the other hand, didn't finish opening his presents until 5:00 PM!!! It took him almost 12 hours to open his presents! He had to make each Lego creation and play with each Hot Wheel set before he would open the next gift. After a while, we all took naps and would wake to see him still opening presents! It was the never ending Christmas morning.

Then we went to Lorna's house and visited her family.

All in all, it was a great Christmas -- over the top -- but a great Christmas and one that we'll remember for years to come.

Oh, did I mention that I didn't have to go to work?


b. said...

YAY?! for Lego and Hot Wheels!!

It sounds like a blast!

Sister Pottymouth said...

Now that's a smart kiddo. Presents were opened and done with within 30 minutes. (sigh) After all those hours I spent wrapping them...

Geo said...

Jeffrey's got a healthy attitude toward pacing himself. Enjoy the moment!

Lois said...

B & JULIE & GEO -- yes, he's a good boy. He's our Lego Master.

Am'n2Deep said...

10:00 a.m., that's how late my kids slept in! We couldn't believe it! I think they were so excited that they just burned out and crashed with anticipation!

Lois said...

AMN2DEEP -- 10 AM, are you kidding me? Let's swap kids next year.