What I've Been Reading Instead of Cleaning My House

Saturday, December 29, 2007

New Year's Memory #1

My fondest New Year's memory was when Nigel and I were first married. Our neighbors (also a newlywed couple) invited us over.

We sat around watching "Viva Las Vegas" while spraying whipped cream into our mouths (our fabulous hosts had supplied us each with a can). Later, our friend's little brother came over and read to us out of "Sein-Language" in his best Jerry Seinfeld voice.

Very low key, very casual, but oh so much fun. Just talking, laughing, and enjoying each other's company. The best way to ring in the new year.


Am'n2Deep said...

That does sound fun. We're always at a loss here of what to do on New Year's.

Lois said...

AMN2DEEP -- my sister's family has a tradition of cleaning their carpets on new year's eve. Whoo-hoo! Now they are party animals!!